We were late getting the November issue of the Eagle Eye out - lots of reunion coverage to include - and that backed up everything in the queue, including these long awaited profile pages. We continue with men from the squadron ground echelon and service squadrons. Please remember many of these men served in more than one unit, so if you don't find them where you expect them, use the search tool on the home page and that should get you where you want to go.
We hope to have each man listed on the roster of every unit in which he served, but we'd rather get them online first and worry about the bookkeeping later. Without further delay, here are the first profile pages of 2015!
Duke-Woolley, 4HQ; Scott, 334; Kesler, 336; HS Anderson, 336; Cwiklinski, 334; CD Smith, 334; Loy, 24-438; Behm, 335; Breaux, 336; LJ Britain, 45-33-4HQ; Brohm, 24-4HQ; Cooper, 33-864; GM Davidson, 336-4HQ; Dunham, 1770-864; Kane, 45-688; Sarbey, 1770-688; JT Simpson, 4HQ-24-438-864; Toy, 4HQ; Poyen, 4HQ-334; Combs, 1063, Robbins, 1063-438-864; Harris, 45 and Parsons, 45-688.